finsler geometry, hypercomplex numbers and physics
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Finsler Prize
Prizes & Competitions
Moscow, FERT-2019
Moscow, FERT-2018
Murom, FERT-2017
Murom, FERT-2016
Murom, FERT-2015
Brasov FERT-2014
Debrecen FERT-2013
Roger Penrose - 2013
Moscow, FERT-2012
Braşov FERT-2011
Moscow FERT-2010
Moscow FERT-2009
Cairo FERT-2008
Moscow FERT-2007
Cairo FERT-2006
FinslerSchool "Wood Lake"

Prizes & Competitions

Conference   FERT-2019

XV International Conference
24 – 27 October 2019
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia,
Moscow, Russia

Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics
Educational-scientifc Institute of gravitation and cosmology of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Announce the holding of the XV International Conference
"Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory" ,

This conference is devoted to the problems of time geometrization. This is a continuation of the series of conferences conducted in Russia (2004, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018), in Egypt (2005, 2006, 2008), in Romania (2011, 2014) and in Hungary (2013).
The proceedings of these conferences were published in the journal "Hypercomplex Numbers in Geometry and Physics". Articles and videos can be found on the website: , .

Organising Committee

Prof. A.P. Efremov – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia (Chairman).
Ph.D. D.G. Pavlov – Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia (Co-chairman).
Ph.D. V.A. Pancheljuga – Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia.
Ph.D. A.A. Eliovich – Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia.
A.V. Lapshin – Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia (Secretary).

Academic Committee

Prof. V. Balan – Polytechnic University, Bucharest, Romania.
Prof. G.Yu. Bogoslovsky – Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Prof. Yu.S. Vladimirov – Moscow State University n.a. M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.
Prof. A.P. Efremov – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
Prof. S.V. Siparov – State University of Civil Aviation, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Directions of the conference

Physicists and mathematicians working in the following directions are invited to take part in the Conference:
• study of the geometric properties of time;
• Finsler extension of geometry;
• Hypercomplex numbers and functions associated with Finslerian Spaces;
• algebraic fractals in Finsler spaces;
• experimental research and astrophysical observations, proving the possible Finsler nature of the real Space-time.

See page "FERT Moscow-2019" for additional information

XIV International Conference
25 – 28 October 2018
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia,
Moscow, Russia

Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics
Educational-scientifc Institute of gravitation and cosmology of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Announce the holding of the XIV International Conference
"Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory" ,

This conference is devoted to the problems of time geometrization. This is a continuation of the series of conferences conducted in Russia (2004, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017), in Egypt (2005, 2006, 2008), in Romania (2011, 2014) and in Hungary (2013).
The proceedings of these conferences were published in the journal "Hypercomplex Numbers in Geometry and Physics". Articles and videos can be found on the website: , .

Organising Committee

Prof. A.P. Efremov – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia (Chairman).
Ph.D. D.G. Pavlov – Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia (Co-chairman).
Ph.D. V.A. Pancheljuga – Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia.
Ph.D. A.A. Eliovich – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia.
A.V. Lapshin – Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia (Secretary).

Academic Committee

Prof. V. Balan – Polytechnic University, Bucharest, Romania.
Prof. G.Yu. Bogoslovsky – Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Prof. Yu.S. Vladimirov – Moscow State University n.a. M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.
Prof. A.P. Efremov – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
Prof. S.V. Siparov – State University of Civil Aviation, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Directions of the conference

Physicists and mathematicians working in the following directions are invited to take part in the Conference:
• study of the geometric properties of time;
• Finsler extension of geometry;
• Hypercomplex numbers and functions associated with Finslerian Spaces;
• algebraic fractals in Finsler spaces;
• experimental research and astrophysical observations, proving the possible Finsler nature of the real Space-time.

See page "FERT Moscow-2018" for additional information

XIII International Conference
7 - 12 September 2017
Scientific town "Peremilovy Hills", Murom, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia

Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics
International Foundation for the Development of Research in the Field of Finsler Geometry

Announce the holding of the XIII International Conference
"Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory"

This conference is devoted to the problems of geometrization of time The Conference is a continuation of the series of conferences conducted in Russia (2004, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2016), in Egypt (2005, 2006, 2008), in Romania (2011, 2014) and in Hungary (2013).
The proceedings of these conferences were published in the journal "Hypercomplex Numbers in Geometry and Physics ", articles and videos can be found on the website:

Organising Committee

Ph.D. D.G. Pavlov - Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia (Chairman).
Ph.D. V.A. Pancheljuga - Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia.
A.V. Lapshin - Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia (Secretary).

Academic Committee

Prof. V. Balan - Polytechnic University, Bucharest, Romania.
Prof., Doc. of phys.-math. Sci. G.Yu. Bogoslovsky - Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Prof., Doc. of phys.-math. Sci. Yu.S. Vladimirov - Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov, Russia.
Prof., Doc. of phys.-math. Sci. A.P. Efremov - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
Prof. G. Munteanu - Transylvanian University, Brasov, Romania.
Prof., Doc. of phys.-math. Sci. S.V. Siparov - State University of Civil Aviation, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Directions of the conference

Physicists and mathematicians working in the following directions are invited to take part in the Conference:

• study of the geometric properties of time;
• Finsler extension of geometry;
• Hypercomplex numbers and functions associated with Finslerian Spaces;
• algebraic fractals in Finsler spaces;
• experimental research and astrophysical observations, proving the possible Finsler nature of the real Space-time.

See page "FERT Murom-2017" for additional information

Conference   FERT-2013

IX-th International Conference
Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory (FERT-2013)
26 - 30 August 2013
Debrecen, Hungary

Moscow Bauman State Technical University
Research Institute for Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics
International Foundation of Finsler Geometry Research

invite you to take part in the
IX-th International Conference “Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory” (FERT-2013)

The previous FERT Conferences took place in Egypt (2005, 2006, 2008), in Russia (2004, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012) and in Romania (2011).
The materials of these events – the special volumes of the journal “Hyper Complex Numbers in Geometry and Physics”, videos and papers
– can be found on the pages "Conferences" of this web-site.

Organizing commitee

Dr. D.G. Pavlov - Research Institute for Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia (president);
Dr. A.A. Eliovich – Russian Peoples’ Friendship University, Russia;
Dr. N. Voicu – “Transilvania” University, Brasov, Romania;
E.V. Tepliakova - Research Institute for Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia.

Scientific commitee

Prof. Dr. Gh. Atanasiu – “Transilvania” University, Brasov, Romania;
Prof. Dr. V. Balan – “Politehnica” University, Bucharest, Romania;
Prof. Dr. G. Yu. Bogoslovsky – Research Institute for Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;
Prof. Dr. A.P. Efremov – Russian Peoples’ Friendship University, Russia;
Prof. Dr. L. Kozma – University of Debrecen, Hungary;
Prof. Dr. Gh. Munteanu – “Transilvania” University, Brasov, Romania;
Prof. Dr. S. Siparov – University of Civil Aviation, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia;
Prof. Dr. L. Tamassy – Institute of Mathematics, University of Debrecen, Hungary;
Prof. Dr. Yu. S. Vladimirov – Moscow State University “M.V. Lomonosov”, Russia.

See the page "FERT Debrecen-2013" for additional information
and the page of hungarian organizers

VIII-th International Conference
Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory (FERT-2012)
June 25th- July 1st 2012
Moscow-Fryazino, Russia

Moscow Bauman State Technical University
Research Institute for Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics
International Foundation of Finsler Geometry Research

invite you to take part in the
VIIIth International Conference “Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory” (FERT-2012)

The previous FERT Conferences took place in Egypt (2005, 2006, 2008), in Russia (2004, 2007, 2009, 2010) and in Romania (2011).
The materials of these events – the special volumes of the journal “Hyper Complex Numbers in Geometry and Physics”, videos and papers
– can be found on the pages "Conferences" of this web-site.

Organizing commitee

Dr. D.G. Pavlov - Research Institute for Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia (president);
Prof. Dr. A. N. Morozov - Moscow Bauman State Technical University, Russia;
Prof. Dr. D. A. Iagondikov - Moscow Bauman State Technical University, Russia;
Dr. A.A. Eliovich – Russian Peoples’ Friendship University, Russia;
Dr. N. Voicu – “Transilvania” University, Brasov, Romania;
E.V. Tepliakova - Research Institute for Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia.

Scientific commitee

Acad. R. Miron – Romanian Academy, “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania;
Prof. Dr. V. Balan – “Politehnica” University, Bucharest, Romania;
Prof. Dr. G. Yu. Bogoslovsky – Research Institute for Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;
Prof. Dr. Yu. S. Vladimirov – Moscow State University “M.V. Lomonosov”, Russia;
Prof. Dr. A.P. Efremov - Russian Peoples’ Friendship University, Russia;
Prof. Dr. Gh. Munteanu – “Transilvania” University, Brasov, Romania;
Prof. Dr. Gh. Atanasiu - – “Transilvania” University, Brasov, Romania;
Prof. Dr. L. Tamassy – Institute of Mathematics, University of Debrecen, Hungary;
Dr. G.I. Garas’ko - Research Institute for Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia.

See page "FERT Moscow-2012" for additional information

"Ôèíñëåðîâû ðàñøèðåíèÿ òåîðèè îòíîñèòåëüíîñòè" (FERT – 2011)

The VII-th International Conference
Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory - FERT 2011
29 Aug. – 4 Sept. 2011, Braşov– Romania


Transilvania University of Braşov
Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics
NonCommercial Foundation on Research Development in the field of Finsler Geometry “Finsler Prize”


Prof. dr. Gheorghe MUNTEANU - Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Dr. D.G. PAVLOV - Research Institute Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Moscow-Fryazino, Russia
Prof. dr. Vladimir BALAN - University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
Prof. dr. Emil STOICA - Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Dr. G. DARVAS - Institute for Research Organization of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Lect. dr. Nicoleta VOICU - Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, (secretary)
Lect. dr. Nicoleta ALDEA- Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, (secretary)


Acad. R. MIRON – Romanian Academy, University Al. I. Cuza, Iasi, Romania
Acad. V.G. KADYSHEVSKY - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
Prof. dr. M. FRANCAVIGLIA – Universita di Torino, President of the Italian Society of Relativity
Prof. dr. L. TAMASSY - Institute of Mathematics, University Debrecen, Hungary
Prof. dr. G. Yu. BOGOSLOVSKI - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Research Institute Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia
Prof. dr. H. SHIMADA - Department of Mathematics, Hokkaido Tokai University, Japan
Prof. dr. G. ATANASIU - Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania

This Conference continues the ongoing series of conferences, held each year, since 2004:
Moscow, Russian Federation (2004, 2007), Moscow–Fryazino, Russian Federation (2009, 2010); Cairo, Egypt (2005, 2006, 2008).

The main topics of our Conference, FERT 2011- Brasov, Romania, cover the following areas:
Finsler geometry and its applications.
Extensions of Finsler, Lagrange and Hamilton geometries to Relativity Theory.
Hypercomplex structures and their applications to Relativity Theory.
Field theories depending on direction. Extensions of Yang-Mills theories.
The general philosophical and mathematical principles underlying Finsler extensions of Relativity Theory.
Experimental investigations and astrophysical observations designed to detect possible evidence for the anisotropy of real Space-Time.

Papers presented at the Conference, after a selection process, will be published in the Bulletin of Transilvania University
(reviewed in Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt).

(See more information on page "Conference Braşov-2011")

Conference   FERT-2010

VI International Conference
1 – 7 November 2010
Moscow – Fryazino, Russia

Institutional Organizers:
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics
NonCommercial Foundation on Research Development in the field of Finsler Geometry “Finsler Prize”

Academic Committee

Prof. Gh. Atanasiu (Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania)
Prof. V. Balan (University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania)
Prof. G.Yu. Bogoslovski (Research Institute Hyper Complex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Fryazino; D.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)
Acad. of RAS, Prof. V.G. Kadyshevsky (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)
Acad. of RAS, Prof. V.A. Matveev (Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS, Moscow, Russia)
Prof. A.P. Yefremov (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia)

Organizing Committee

Dr. D.G. Pavlov (Research Institute HyperComplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Fryazino, Russia) - Chairman
Prof. V.O. Gladyshev (Research Institute HyperComplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Fryazino, Russia; N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia)
Dr. T.M. Gladysheva (Research Institute HyperComplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Fryazino, Russia; N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia)
Prof. A.N. Morozov (N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia) Dr. A.A. Eliovich (Research Institute HyperComplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Fryazino, Rus-sia; Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia)

(See more information on page "Conference Moscow-2010")

The V-th International Conference
was held
27 September – 3 October 2009
Moscow - Fryazino, Russia

Institutional Organizers:
The Bauman Moscow State Technical University
The Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics
The Non-Commercial Foundation on Research Development in the field of Finsler Geometry “Finsler Prize”

This Conference continues the ongoing series of conferences, held every year since 2004 in Moscow, Russia (2007) and in Cairo, Egypt (2005, 2006, 2008). The materials of these Conferences can be found on this site

The main topics of FERT–2009 were the following:

1. Rashevskii’s Polymetric Geometry.
2. The general philosophical and mathematical principles underlying the Finsler extensions of relativity theory.
3. Different Finsler metric functions and the geometries of corresponding spaces.
4. Spaces whose metric functions are symmetric polynomials depending on three variables of the third order (the Berwald–Moor metrics).
5. Spaces whose metric functions are symmetric polynomials depending on four variables of the third order (Chernov spaces).
6. Spaces whose metric functions are symmetric polynomials depending on four variables of the fourth order (four-dimensional Berwald–Moor spaces).
7. Generalizations of the fundamental physical and geometrical structures in Finsler spaces.
8. Models of the observer’s space-time in Finsler extensions of Special Relativity Theory.
9. Multilinear symmetric forms of vectors as Finsler extensions of the scalar product.
10. Extensions of the canonic invariants in Finsler spaces (poly angles).
11. Linear Finsler spaces and their connection with hypercomplex numbers.
12. The symmetries of Finsler spaces.
13. Isometric, conformal and extended conformal transformations of Finsler spaces.
14. Finsler spaces and operations of the n-th order.
15. Experimental investigations and astrophysical observations designed to detect possible evidence for the anisotropy of real Space-Time.

See page "FERT Moscow-2009" for additional information

The 4th International Conference
was held
November, 2-8, 2008, in Cairo, Egypt

This ongoing series of conferences, held every second year since 2005, is devoted to Global Universe Anisotropy and Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory.

The Scientific Program of the Conference included talks on the following topics
1. Experimental searches and astrophysical observations indicating an essential anisotropy of real space-time.
2. Physical theories which are taking into account global anisotropy of space-time.
3. Finsler geometry, employed for the description of real physical phenomena.
4. Hypercomplex algebraic systems in geometry and physics.
5. Algebraic fractals in multidimensional spaces.
6. Symmetry in algebra, geometry and physics.
7. The philosophical bases for the "incomprehensible efficiency of mathematics in physics".

(See more information on page "Conference Cairo-2008")


Non-Commercial Foundation for Finsler Geometry Research
and Moscow Bauman State Technical University
establish the Prize for the solution of the following problem:

“Construct a unified geometrical theory
of the gravitational and electromagnetic fields
on the base of the 4-dimensional Finsler space
with the Berwald-Moor metric,
or prove the impossibility of such theory”.

        The goal of the Constitutors of the Prize is to stimulate the research exploiting the hyper complex algebras as the universal codes of Geometry and Physics. First of all, the Constitutors are interested in the research connected with the poly-numbers – the commutative associative algebras – as the natural generalizations of real and complex numbers preserving their main arithmetic properties. Recently, it turned out that the poly-numbers are closely connected with various Finsler geometries [5]. These geometries are the generalizations of Riemannian geometries that are the base of General Relativity Theory and other modern geometric field theories. One of the poly-numbers’ classes leads to the Finsler geometry with Berwald-Moor metric (ds4 = dξ1234). Its basic invariants have the powers higher than two, and this makes the difference with the Riemannian and other common geometries. The change of the quadratic metric to the higher order one implies the qualitatively new geometrical ideas, and the Constitutors express the belief that this opens the unexpected and fruitful perspectives in fundamental Physics.

See page "Finsler Prize" for information.

The site is devoted to hypercomplex numbers and Finsler Geometry

     Finsler geometry, on which basic opportunity of construction has paid attention Riemann himself, and hypercomplex numbers, whose history originates in works of Hamilton, down to the end of XX century existed as though in not crossed planes. Organizers of a site aspire to find ways of synthesis of these areas of knowledge, that, probably, will lead to creation of the new theoretical device convenient for fuller description of a physical picture of the world. The purpose of a site – to promote formation and development of the scientific community interested in the decision of this problem.

In this site it is supposed to place original and reviews of the Russian and foreign authors on subjects:
   — hypercomplex numbers, in particular polynumbers.
   — Finsler geometry, in particular Finsler generalizations of relativistic theory.
   — connections between hypercomplex numbers with geometry and physics.
   — Fractals based on hyper-complex numbers.

The most interesting articles of this site are published in printed journal ''Hypercomplex numbers in geometry and the physics''
     We call all were interested to accept active participation in filling a site, actually – in creation of scientific community on the given subjects.

To use opportunities of this site completely it is necessary to be registered. Registration will allow you.  
   — to express opinion on articles published on a site
   — to offer to the publication on this site own articles;
   — to participate in work of the forum.

This site belongs to Russian Hypercomplex Society,
Non-Commercial Foundation for Finsler Geometry Research.
Site was created under iniciative by Dr. Dmitrii Genadievich Pavlov,
Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

This site is supporting from February, 18, 2002.
The XIV International Conference "Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory" (FERT-2018) was held in Moscow (Russia), September 25-28, October 2018 >>
The XIII International Conference "Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory" (FERT-2017) was held in Murom (Russia), September 7-12, 2017 >>
The XII International Conference "Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory" (FERT-2016) was held in Murom (Russia)
The XI International Conference "Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory" (FERT-2015) was held in Murom (Russia)
The X International Conference "Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory" (FERT-2014) was held in Brasov (Romania)
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