The International Autumn Finsler School – 2008 sch06
The International Autumn School
"Finsler Geometry, Hypercomplex Systems
and Relativity Theory"
20 October – 25 December 2008, Moscow suburbs, «Wood Lake»
The International Fund of Research Development for Finsler Geometry and The International Scientific Research Institute “Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics” invites young researchers, Ph.D.s and postgraduate students to attend The International Autumn School “Finsler Geometry, Hypercomplex Systems and Relativity Theory”, which will take place at a picturesque place of Moscow suburbs «Wood Lake» between 20 October – 25 December 2008.
Planned activities for the participants:
• Lectures of prominent scholars;
• Seminars and round tables;
• Attendance of the 4-th International Conference “Finslerian Extensions of Relativity Theory” (Cairo, Egypt, 02 – 08 November 2008);
• Excursions to hystorical sites of the Ancient Egypt. An extensive cultural program will be provided for the participants, including guided visits to the renowned Pyramids of Giza, Dashura, Medum and Saqqara, and to the Cairo Museum and to ancient temples.
• Sports and health-improving activities.
The teaching schedule of the Autumn School includes lectures on the following topics:
1. General presentation on finite-dimensional algebras. The algebra of quaternions. Octaves and their properties. Lecturer – CHERNOV Vladimir Michailovich, The Aerocosmic University of Samara, The Institute of Image Processing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia.
2. The theory of functions of complex variables. Lecturer – BRINZEI Nicoleta, University “Transilvania”, Romania.
3. Euclidean Geometry and theory of surfaces. Lecturer – LEBEDEV Sergey Vitalievich, The Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, Russia.
4. The Lorentz group, Minkowski space and Special Relativity Theory. Lecturer - BOGOSLOVSKY Georgy Yurevich, The Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics D.V. Sobeltsyn of the Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Russia.
5. Òensor Analysis. Lecturer – LEBEDEV Sergey Vitalievich, The Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, Russia.
6. Modern problems in General Relativity Theory - Physics and Geometry. Lecturer - SIPAROV Sergey Viktorovich, The State University of Civil Aviation in Sankt Petersburg, Russia.
7. Breaking of Lorentz symmetry without relativistic symmetry - breaking: (I) The group DISIMb(2), the axially symmetric Finsler space of events, and the Very Special Relativity Theory; (II) the abelian group of relativistic symmetries, the completely anisotropic Finsler space of events and the Totally Special Relativity Theory. Lecturer - BOGOSLOVSKY Georgy Yurevich, The Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics D.V. Sobeltsyn of the Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Russia.
8. Anisotropy and non-homogeneity in Nature. Experimental research and astrophysical observations, confirming the existence of anisotropy in Space-Time. Lecturer - PANCHELYUGA Viktor Anatolievich, Institute of Theoretical and Experimantal Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia.
9. Dual numbers and analytic functions of dual numbers. Lecturer – PAVLOV Dmitry Genadievich, The Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, International Scientific Research Institute “Hypercomplex systems in Geometry and Physics”, Russia.
10. Poly-numbers. Lecturer - GARASKO Grigory Ivanovich, Electrotechnical Institute of Russia, Russia.
11. The foundations of Finsler Geometry. Lecturer - GARASKO Grigory Ivanovich, Electrotechnical Institute of Russia, Russia.
12. Fractals in multi-dimensional spaces. Lecturer - PANCHELYUGA Viktor Anatolievich, Institute of Theoretical and Experimantal Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia.
13. The foundations of the concept “Global Scaling”. Lecturer - MULLER Hartmut, Institute of Space-Energetic Research, Germany.
14. Symmetries and transformation groups. Lecturer - BALAN Vladimir, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania.
15. The Geometry of Randers spaces. Lecturer – SHEN Zhongmin, National Scientific Foundation, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, USA.
16. Culture and History of the Ancient Egypt. Lecturer - SHERKOVA Tatyana Alekseevna, The Egyptologic Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia.
The Autumn School language: Russian.
Certificate: The participants which successfully pass the final exam will receive a graduation certificate.
Participation fee: 100 Åuro – it includes tuition and accomodation.
The Organizing Committee
President of the Organizing Committee PAVLOV Dmitry Genadievich, Tel./Fax: (495) 956-67-89