Subjects of magazine and editorial rules j999
In this magazine are published the original articles and reviews of Russian and foreign authors on the following subjects:
a) Hypercomplex numbers,
b) Geometries associated with the hypercomplex numbers,
c) Finsler spaces,
d) Fractals based on the hypercomplex numbers,
e) Hypercomplex numbers applications in physics,
f) Experimental researches of possible anisotropy of space-time and other displays of Finsler geometry.
Editorial board informs article authors about the rules accepted by it:
- The language of an article – Russian or English.
- The article’s volume must not exceed 1 quire (24 conventional typewriter page)
- Author has to provide the editorial staff with the article in LaTeX format
(version LaTeX 2e, use AmsLaTeX to type formulas) and the article’s file in PostScript or PDF format.
- The accepted drawing file formats:
for raster TIFF, GIF, PNG (EPS-encapsulation is to be possible); for vector EPS, PDF, TEX. Each drawing is to be placed into the separate file. The color spectrum – black-and-white or gray (8 bit).
- The annotation has to be included into the article’s text (it must contain no bulky formulas and references).
Key-words, MSC2000 or PACS classification are necessary. The depth of text fragmentation must not exceed three levels.
- The article’s title, annotation, key-words, the names of the authors and their organizations are provided in both English and native languages.
- The author specifies e-mail and phone for operative communication.
Returning of article to the author on completion does not mean, that it is accepted to publication.
- The deviation from the given rules reduces probability of publication of clause.
- The publication is free of charge for all authors.
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