Subjects of magazine and editorial rules j999
In this magazine are published the original articles and reviews of Russian and foreign authors on the following subjects:
a) Hypercomplex numbers,
b) Geometries associated with the hypercomplex numbers,
c) Finsler spaces,
d) Fractals based on the hypercomplex numbers,
e) Hypercomplex numbers applications in physics,
f) Experimental researches of possible anisotropy of space-time and other displays of Finsler geometry.
Editorial board informs article authors about the rules accepted by it:
 | Editorial Board j998
D. G. Pavlov (Moscow, Editor-in-Chief)
V.A. Pancheluga (Moscow, Deputy editor-in-chief)
Gh. Atanasiu (''Transilvania'' University, Brasov, Romania)
V. Balan (University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania)
G. Yu. Bogoslovsky (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University)
V. M. Chernov (Samara, Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS, Russia)
A. A. Eliovich (Russian University of Peoples Frendship, Moscow)
V.V. Kisil (Great Britain, Leeds, University of Leeds)
S. Plaksa (Ukraine, Kiev, Institute of mathematics of NAS of Ukraine)
Yu. P. Rybakov (Russian University of Peoples Frendship, Moscow)
V. I. Sanyuk (Russian University of Peoples Frendship, Moscow)
Z. Silagadze (Russia, Novosibirsk, G.I. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
A. F. Turbin (National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine)
J. Vargas (USA, Columbia, University of South Carolina)
 | "Hypercomplex Numbers in geometry and Physics" 1 (24), Vol 13, 2016 j024
Content of Issue
 | "Hypercomplex Numbers in geometry and Physics" 2 (23), Vol 12, 2015 j023
Content of Issue
 | "Hypercomplex Numbers in geometry and Physics" 1 (22), Vol 12, 2015 j022
Content of Issue
"Hypercomplex Numbers in geometry and Physics" 1 (21), Vol 11, 2014 j021
Content of Issue
English: |
Russian: |
"Hypercomplex Numbers in geometry and Physics" 2 (20), Vol 10, 2013 j020
Content of Issue
English: |
Russian: |
"Hypercomplex Numbers in geometry and Physics" 1 (19), Vol 10, 2013 j019
Content of Issue
English: |
Russian: |
 | "Hypercomplex Numbers in geometry and Physics" 2 (18), Vol 9, 2012 j018
Content of Issue
English: |
Russian: |
 | "Hypercomplex Numbers in geometry and Physics" 1 (17), Vol 9, 2012 j017
Content of Issue
English: |
Russian: |
 | "Hypercomplex Numbers in geometry and Physics" 2 (16), Vol 8, 2011 j016
Content of Issue
English: |
Russian: |
"Hypercomplex Numbers in geometry and Physics" 1 (15), Vol 8, 2011 j015
Content of Issue
English: |
Russian: |
"Hypercomplex Numbers in geometry and Physics" 2 (14), Vol 7, 2010 j014
Content of Issue
English: |
Russian: |
"Hypercomplex Numbers in geometry and Physics" 12 (13), Vol 7, 2010 j013
Content of Issue
English: |
Russian: |
"Hypercomplex Numbers in geometry and Physics" 2 (12), Vol 6, 2009 j012
Content of Issue is in the theme. The journal in one file is below.
English: |
Russian: |
"Hypercomplex Numbers in geometry and Physics" 1 (11), Vol 6, 2009 j011
Content of Issue is in the theme. The journal in one file is below.
English: |
Russian: |
"Hypercomplex Numbers in geometry and Physics" 2 (10), Vol 5, 2008 j010
Content of Issue is in the theme. The journal in one file is below.
English: |
Russian: |
"HyperComplex Numbers in Geometry and Physics" 1 (9), vol. 5, 2008 j009
Content of Issue is in the theme. The journal in one file is below.
English: |
Russian: |
"HyperComplex Numbers in Geometry and Physics" 2 (8), vol. 4, 2007 j008
Content of Issue is in the theme. The journal in one file is below.
English: |
Russian: |
"HyperComplex Numbers in Geometry and Physics" 1 (7), vol. 4, 2007 j007
Content of Issue is in the theme. The journal in one file is below.
English: |
Russian: |
"HyperComplex Numbers in Geometry and Physics" 2 (6), vol. 3, 2006 j006
Content of Issue is in the theme. The journal in one file is below.
English: |
Russian: |
"HyperComplex Numbers in Geometry and Physics" 1 (5), vol. 3, 2006 j005
Content of Issue is in the theme. The journal in one file is below.
English: |
Russian: |
"HyperComplex Numbers in Geometry and Physics" 2 (4), vol. 2, 2005 j004
Content of Issue is in the theme. The journal in one file is below.
English: |
Russian: |
"HyperComplex Numbers in Geometry and Physics" 1 (3), vol. 2, 2005 j003
Content of Issue is in the theme. The journal in one file is below.
English: |
Russian: |
"HyperComplex Numbers in Geometry and Physics" 2 (2), vol. 1, 2004 j002
Content of Issue is in the theme. The journal in one file is below.
English: |
Russian: |
English: |
Russian: |