Announcement ca8
The 4th International Conference FINSLER EXTENSIONS OF RELATIVITY
November, 2-8, 2008, Cairo, Egypt
This ongoing series of conferences, held every second year since 2005, is devoted to Global Universe Anisotropy and Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory.
The Scientific Program of the Conference is Planned to include talks on the following topics
1. Experimental searches and astrophysical observations indicating an essential anisotropy of real space-time.
2. Physical theories which are taking into account global anisotropy of space-time.
3. Finsler geometry, employed for the description of real physical phenomena.
4. Hypercomplex algebraic systems in geometry and physics.
5. Algebraic fractals in multidimensional spaces.
6. Symmetry in algebra, geometry and physics.
7. The philosophical bases for the "incomprehensible efficiency of mathematics in physics".
International Advisory Committee
Gheorghe Atanasiu ("Transilvania" University of Brasov, Romania)
Vladimir Balan (University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania)
Georgy Y. Bogoslovsky (Moscow State University, Russia)
Rustam Ibadov (Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan)
Vladimir G. Kadyshevsky (JINR, Dubna, Russia)
Jutta Kunz (Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany)
Viktor A. Matveev (Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia)
Alexandr P. Yefremov (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia)
Organizing Committee
Dmitry G. Pavlov (Chairman)
A.A. Eliovich, T.M. Gladysheva, V.O. Gladyshev, A.N. Morozov, B.P. Nazarenko, M. Wright
Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics
Non-Commercial Foundation for Finsler Geometry Research
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
In addition to the Scientific proceedings of the 2008 Conference, an extensive cultural program will be provided for the participants. Amongst the excursions planned are guided visits to the Pyramid complexes of the Giza Plateau, Dashura, Medum and Saqqara, and the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo, which houses incomparably the greatest collection of Egyptian Antiquities in the world. There will also be optional excursions to a number of ancient temples.
Completed Registration Forms, together with an abstract of the talk or report which the participant wishes to submit to the Workshop, should be sent by e-mail to the following address:
Accommodation and Conference Fee
Total cost of the Conference is 450 EUR, which will cover the conference fee, the accommodation fee with breakfast and supper, coffee breaks, excursions, transportation, social meetings and the cultural program.
The First International Scientific Workshop under the name “Geomety of Finsler Spaces with the Berwald-Moore Metric” was held October 15-22, 2005 in Cairo, Egypt. The 2nd International Scientific Conference FERT was held 4-10
November 2006, Cairo, Egypt. The 3nd International Scientific Conference FERT was held 24-30 September 2007,
Moscow-Fryazino, Russia.