finsler geometry, hypercomplex numbers and physics
All articles
Finsler Prize
Prizes & Competitions
Moscow, FERT-2019
Moscow, FERT-2018
Murom, FERT-2017
Murom, FERT-2016
Murom, FERT-2015
Brasov FERT-2014
Debrecen FERT-2013
Roger Penrose - 2013
Moscow, FERT-2012
Braşov FERT-2011
Moscow FERT-2010
Moscow FERT-2009
Cairo FERT-2008
Moscow FERT-2007
Cairo FERT-2006
FinslerSchool "Wood Lake"

Prizes & Competitions


XIII International Conference
7 - 12 September 2017
Scientific town "Peremilovy Hills", Murom, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia

Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics
International Foundation for the Development of Research in the Field of Finsler Geometry

Announce the holding of the XIII International Conference
"Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory"

This conference is devoted to the problems of geometrization of time The Conference is a continuation of the series of conferences conducted in Russia (2004, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2016), in Egypt (2005, 2006, 2008), in Romania (2011, 2014) and in Hungary (2013).
The proceedings of these conferences were published in the journal "Hypercomplex Numbers in Geometry and Physics ", articles and videos can be found on the website:

Organising Committee

Ph.D. D.G. Pavlov - Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia (Chairman).
Ph.D. V.A. Pancheljuga - Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia.
A.V. Lapshin - Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, Russia (Secretary).

Academic Committee

Prof. V. Balan - Polytechnic University, Bucharest, Romania.
Prof., Doc. of phys.-math. Sci. G.Yu. Bogoslovsky - Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Prof., Doc. of phys.-math. Sci. Yu.S. Vladimirov - Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov, Russia.
Prof., Doc. of phys.-math. Sci. A.P. Efremov - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
Prof. G. Munteanu - Transylvanian University, Brasov, Romania.
Prof., Doc. of phys.-math. Sci. S.V. Siparov - State University of Civil Aviation, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Directions of the conference

Physicists and mathematicians working in the following directions are invited to take part in the Conference:

• study of the geometric properties of time;
• Finsler extension of geometry;
• Hypercomplex numbers and functions associated with Finslerian Spaces;
• algebraic fractals in Finsler spaces;
• experimental research and astrophysical observations, proving the possible Finsler nature of the real Space-time.

Mass media are welcome to participate.



Accommodation is expected in single and double rooms of summer houses of the scientific town of "Peremilovy Hills". The scientific town was built in 2013 after the discussion of this step with the well-known physicist and mathematician Sir Roger Penrose iduring his second visit to Moscow (
Today, the town has 6 three-storey guest houses for 4-8 persons each (with a small kitchen, a bathroom and a shower), the conference hall for 50 persons and the open lecture veranda for 150 pesons.
Several conferences and seminars have already been held in the town, as well as Physical and mathematical summer and winter schools for gifted youth.
On the territory of the scientific town there are a swimming pond, sports and play grounds and Russian sauna.
The main attraction of this place is a limestone pyramid with a base of 7.5x7.5 m, designed and constructed to test Finsler effects in bodies of faceted form.

The cost of a single room (including three meals a day) - 1500 rubles per night per room.
The cost of a double room (including three meals a day for two) - 2000 rubles / day per room.
It is possible to stay in the hotels of the city of Murom (30 km from the Conference location):


The cost of transfer by minibus from Moscow to the venue of the conference (330 km) on September 7 and 12 - 1000 rubles per person;
from Nizhny Novgorod Novgorod (140 km) on September 7 and 12 - 600 rubles per person;
from the city of Murom (35 km) (everyday) - 500 rubles per person, one way.

Conference languages

Russian and English.

Publication of conference materials

After the conference, selected reports will be published in the journal "Hypercomplex numbers in geometry and physics". It is desirable to provide the papers on the topics of the reports before the conference.

Conference site

Official information about the conference is posted on the website

Registration fee

For participants from the CIS countries - 1000 rubles, for foreign participants - 200 Euro. The banquet and excursions are paid additionally.

Important dates

The deadline to confirm the participation in the conference is August 31, 2017.
Complete the Registration form and send it along with the theses of your report (1-2 pages A4 format in Russian or English) to the secretary of the conference Lapshin Alexander Valeryevich to the address:

The abstract should be attached to the registration form (1-2 pages, Format A4, Russian or English versions)

The working days of the conference are from the 8th to the 11th September. Planned arrival at the conference - September 7. Departure - September 12.
Arrival and departure dates may be corrested by the visitor. Route map from Moscow to the venue of the conference is at the bottom of the page:

Yours faithfully,
Chairman of the organizing committee of the conference "FERT-2017",
Director General of the Research Institute of the GFSM,
Pavlov Dmitry,

Secretary of the Conference,
Lapshin Alexander,

The registration form contains the following information:
- Full Name.
- Academic degree, title, position
- Organization (institution) (Russian or English versions), country
- Title of the report (Russian or English versions)
- Mob. Contact phone:
- E-mail:
- dates of expected arrival and departure
- do I need a transfer
- in which room I supposed to live

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